Alison Krauss 是美國 blue-grass 樂裡最有名的女星,也是知名的 blue-grass 提琴手。

集鄉村現代於一身的 Alison Krauss

尤其是 George Clooney 2000 年獲得許多提名,最後只贏得最佳 Sound Track 的 O Brother, Where Art Thou? 一片中,許多音樂是 Alison Krauss 所負責,包括暴紅的 "Down to the River to Pray"。她的聲音清亮但溫柔,就像美國南方的小溪般緩緩流動,一點也聽不出已經 36 歲。

Led Zeppelin 時期的 Robert Plant

話說曾經身為搖滾天團 Led Zeppelin 一員的 Robert Plant 從O Brother, Where Art Thou?中聽到 Alison Krauss 的歌聲後驚為天人,一直想要和她合作。但是一個是英國搖滾歌手,一個是美國鄉村音樂家,怎麼湊也湊不上,所以 Alison 一開始拒絕了。但是 Robert Plant 卻沒放棄。直到幾年前一場紀念藍調大師Lead Belly的演唱會中兩人第一次合唱。這才讓 Alison Krauss 重新審視兩人合作的可能。

Alison Krauss 和 Robert Plant 在 Raising Sand 中的合照

Raising Sand 是她和 Robert Plant 第一張合作專輯。裡面的歌打破了一般人對 bluegrass 的印象,也為藍調音樂注入新血,歌曲動人,和大家分享。

這應該是藍調裡的老歌了,不過 Robert Plant & Alison Krauss 新專輯的 cover 真的很棒...

Killing the Blues
作詞: Prine John 作曲: Prine John

Leaves were falling ..Just like embers
In colors red and gold they set us on fire
Burning just like a moonbeam our eyes

Somebody said they saw me
Swinging the world by the tail
Bouncing over a white cloud.
Killing the Blues

I am guilty of something
I hope you never do because there is nothing
Sadder than losing .. yourself in love

Somebody said they saw me
Swinging the world by the tail
Bouncing over a white cloud.
Killing the Blues

Now, you ask me Just to leave you
To go out on my own and get what I need to
You want me to find ..what I've already had

Somebody said they saw me
Swinging the world by the tail
Bouncing over a white cloud.
Killing the Blues

Somebody said they saw me
Swinging the world by the tail
Bouncing over a white cloud.
Killing the Blues

Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us

Strange things are happening everyday
I hear the music up above my head
Though the side of my heart has left me again
I hear music up above

Secrets are written in the sky
Looks like I've lost the love I've never found
Though the sound of hope has left me again
I hear music up above

Standing in my broken heart all night long
Darkness held me like a friend when love was lost
Looking for the land thats hidden in the cross
The finders love
I know I loved you too much
I'll go alone to get through

I hear Rosetta singing in the night
Echoes of lighting shine like stars after they're gone
And tonight shes my guide as a girl on the moon
With the music up above

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