紐約大都會比賽 Rick Roll 全場,球迷爆以噓聲...
McCain RickRoll'd
其實如果 msun 或是 eatinglin 把緯來星期六的 Rick Rolling 錄下來放到 youtube 上,應該會有很多國外的球迷去看吧……
如果倪福德在美國聽到有人用尖銳的聲音向他喊「倪!」,接而哈哈大笑,而不了解他們在幹麼的話,請倪福德上 youtube 找 The Knights Who Say Ni (說倪的騎士)。
這是英國經典電視喜劇 Monty Python 蒙提·派森(或譯蒙提蟒蛇)於 1975 年電影版 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (蒙提·派森之聖杯傳奇)中的著名橋段。蒙提·派森以無俚頭笑話為主。笑點通常是完全不合理的內容。以說倪的騎士為例,橋段中的 Ni 和其它「聖字」根本毫無意義。
因為 Monty Python 在美國也是喜劇經典。加上近年來因為 youtube 讓許多年輕世代熟悉經典橋段,我已經在網路上看到有球迷、球評用 The Knights Who Say Ni 和土地公的姓拼法相同開玩笑。如果倪倪聽到有人引用說倪的騎士,看完這個橋段相信就算聽不懂也可以和大家一起笑囉,反正就是聽得懂英文也一樣聽不懂他們在扯什麼。到時候再遇到故意說 Ni! 的人,回句「怒」效果也不錯。
What does Chief Tyrol and his Deck Crew have in common? Well, someone mentioned
Maybe, like Hank Hill, Tyrol has a narrow urethra?
So Chief Tyrol is Hank Hill!!! That explains so much, such as why his deckhands always stand around, drink moonshine and fail to make coherent sentences… yep.
There you go, that's Boomhauer, Hank, Dale and Bill for ya.
Your result for The Heroes Personality Test...
Mr. Bennet
Are you on the list? Congratulations, you're Mr. Bennet! You are one mysterious person with mysterious motives. Despite all the mystery, it's clear that you believe what you do is for the greater good, and you are obviously a well-educated person in your field.Your best quality: Dedication to your work/organization/etc.Your worst quality: Keeping too many secrets
來過來台灣的著名 T-Rex 暴龍化石 Sue,她看起來的確滿秀氣的