Hi baobei,
I was looking up running clubs around here and the closest running club is 30 minute away without traffic and there is always traffic. Then I realized, you are in a great place right now. I mean you live 5 minutes away from work. You live in the best part of Irvine, right next to the lake, in the center of all the activities. You live in Irvine, the nicest place I have ever lived in, and I lived in quite a few places in my life, none compare to Irvine. You are only one hour away from your parents’ home. You are only 30 minutes away from dragon boat practice. Last be not least, you are only 40 minutes away from the person you want to spend time with. Far enough so you don’t see each other everyday, but close enough to see each other anytime you want to. Granted you might feel like you don’t make enough money to really do what you want. But once you pay off your loan and your car, you have lots of free money to manage.
I know your job is tough and you are tired of it. I do think you should start looking for what you want to do in the future. Maybe even apply for some interviews and get some idea of what’s out there. But just hang on for one more year and you will get your license. Then the avenue of choice will open up to you. So just hang on a little longer, and everything will work out. I hope you get to like your job again, at least not let it bring you down so much, because you do have a great life. I am glad for you.
As for me, my boss’s wife gave me a bottle of Caladryl. I have to say it doesn’t really help. But the patches are getting less intense. I guess that’s always good.
Comedy network is coming out with a show to make fun of the Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy, called “Straight Plans for the Gay Man”. Hahaha. It’s about the Flab Four teaching gay man what it means to be straight. I haven’t seen it, but sure sounds pretty funny.
By the way, check your mail on Friday.
I miss you. Life is not the same without you.
Urs Rex
By the way, are you going to run in the wine country 5k?
By the way, what are your plans for your 3 day v-day weekend?