哈,連兩篇與棒球無關的文耶 T_T
Well, well, well... after just 10 episodes, the first half of BSG season 4 comes to a screeching halt. No new episodes of season 4 until January of 2009, yup, that would be half an year from now, Craaaaaaaaaap~~~ and you can say that again.
Just 2 months ago BSG ended an year long hiatus, and now 10 epis later we have another 6 months to wait for new content. I swear to Gods if this isn't such a great show, fans would be storming the Vancouver studio gates by now.
Before I get any further, I must answer my own question (yes, i talk to myself, that's why I have a blog), which is "Why the frak do I have to write in English every time I talk about Battlestar Galactica?" Well, the answer I guess is simply I don't know anyone in Taiwan who watches BSG. I know that Cinemax Taiwan used to show season 2 at some obscure time slot, but not a lot of people watched.
Besides, then I'll have to spend the time and brain power to translate the show, and BSG is so beautifully written, I don't think it could be done.
Anyway, the 4.0 finale was awesome.
*spoiler alert*
So they finally reached earth, humans and cylons side by side, putting away their bitterness and suspicion. Wow, that was exciting, but no, BSG can't leave you with a happy ending.
Earth turned out to be just a nuke wasted inhabitable dump. The final pan over the ruined beach head is simply epic and beautifully done.
What the frak are you smiling at?
The Cylon Specialist formerly known as Chief Tyrol went through a lot of crap through the 4 seasons. Boomer, the love of his life, turned out to be a Cylon and his crew killed her. And yet Helo got married to another cylon model 8 with Boomers memories and then had a baby, the crew seems to be just fine with them. He went from man of the people to discovering that he himself is a cylon. Then he lost his wife, then his job. No wonder this man doesn't give a frak that Earth is a fraking winter desert worse than New Caprica.
The other scene where Tyrol just smiled at the absurdity of the situation was when he and Anders got arrested for being Cylons. Chief Tyrol has always been my favorite character of the show. He didn't have more than 3 lines in this episodes, but every shot of him speaks volume.
Is this really Earth? Who the frak knows. If Roslin is the dying leader, then this ain't Earth, or as Sean on GWC said it, their religion is crap. The whole premise of the show was these survivors need to find the lost planet earth. Now they've "found" it and it only made the show even more interesting. That takes creative genius to pull off. So cheers BSG fans, let's all toast a Cylon shooter to RDM and David Eick (no pun intended).
*/spoiler alert*